
Controller pulls all requirement data that will or could be interacting with the various rules

GET Requirements/RequirementField/{fieldName}

Returns a specific requirement field’s data based upon the supplied field name.

GET Requirements/Requirement/{requirementId}

REturns all of the fields (parent and children) for the supplied requirement id. It will limit the number of doses based upon the number provided at the parent requirement level.


Controller handles all rules data crud operations along with the validation of data against the rules defined in the database using Flee

POST Rules/Validate

For the supplied requirement and field of that requirement this method looks up its validation rules and applies them to the passed in value.

GET Rules/AvaiableRules

Returns all rules available that can be applied to the requirement.

GET Rules/GetRequriementRules/{globalPrerequisiteId}

Returns any rules already assigned to the requirement based on the supplied globalPrerequisiteId

POST Rules/SaveRequirementRules

Saves the rules that have been assigned to a globalPrerequisiteId.

POST Rules/CopyRequirementRules/{copyFromPrerequisetSetId}/{copyToPrerequisetSetId}